Thursday, May 23, 2024

Siddhas and Sidhh Bhoomi (Adepts and their lands)-Part I

We have read names and lives of adepts in all the religions. We, in our scriptures often see reference of 84 siddhas. They came from different religions, at different times and all of them were very powerful. One can understand that a human can be comes adept with the help of various austerities but how can a land become Siddha bhoomi? 

All of us two words, Atma and Deh (physical body). Atma is eternal, fully conscious, unchanging, pure while body is exactly opposit it. Our gross body is usually made up of five gross elements, everyone knos this. But apart from this we also refer to Subtle body and causal body. Its has been amply represented in various scriptures. Some consider Subtle body or ling shareer as comprising of 17 different elements. Some people explain it (subtlebody) as combination of Pranmaya kosh, Manomaya Kosh, Vigyan Maya Kosh. With the help of this body only, atma travels to different realms after leaving the gross body to experience the fruits of collected karmas. After staying for certain time some special realm it returns to human body to expereince its past karmas. As subtle body riding gross body activates it, in the same manner Causal body riding Subtle body activates it. At appropriate time causal body separates or reunites with subtle body. After the causal body is greater Causal body (mahakaran deh). Gross, Subtle, Causal are impure but great causal body is pure. Rajogun and tamogun does not touch it. After Great Causal body there is Chinmaya body. Normal yogis can not achieve this state. How does a gross body achieves this state is deep secret of Yog-Sadhana. Some people talk of a state beyond this Chinmaya state too, which is referred to as Hamsa-state. Pure gross body is called Great Causal body(Mahakaran deh). Upto Chinmaya body all bodies are elemental. That which is one with atma, in which pure and impure all exist is known as 'Hamsdeh'. In the yogic path, oneness is the most important discovery for expereincing the fullness or completness of self. Due to the presence of curtain of ignorance, that pure light residing inside all of us does not shine forth. This great light apears in the form of 'eye of knowledge' infront of yogi and helps him in proceeding on the path towards establishing in the state of completness. 

What one means by complete? Its meaning is not light alone, though in the base its true, but in its light various things are seen as different, though all of them are one. Time and space come under it. This is the fully ripened siddh state or Akhand()/ unfrgamented state. Next question that arises, 'Do we have Siddh Bhoomi (Siddh land) too as we have siddh people?'.  As siddhas can be in any state of chit-achit, action-cause, pure-impure, in the same manner one should understand about land too. In the presence of deh(form) Siddh people, that land also becomes siddh. In the company of gross people, gross is experienced and in the company of subtle people subtle things are experienced. We have two entities, seer and seen or scene. Scene or seen changes with changes with the state of the seer or witness. World is expereinced through ego, when ego gets removed, gross seen disappears and everything is seen as subtle. Thus we can say that a yogi does not have to enter into any specific adept land, but the very land where he is transforms into one depending upon his state of mind. 

The outer world is established outside the ambit of divine knowledge and expereinced through ignorance. It is experienced through our senses. This is absolutely true in the lower level of knowledge. In such a state 'that which is to be known or gyeya()' is different from knowledge or Gyan(). But when through yogic path, pure knowledge dawns, then it is found that both, Gyan and Gyeya are same. Further progressing on this path one realizes that as Gyan adn Gyeya are not different, in the sama manner, knower (gyaataa) and knowledge (Gyan) are also nnot differnet but one. As light comes out of a deepak, in the same manner, knowledge comes out of the knower. Thus 'that which is to be known' in its interiorized stats merges into 'knowledge', similarly, knowledge also in its interiorized state merges into the knower. This knower, exists in the cosmos as seed (for new creation). When he also exists in pure state free of knower too,that state is known as turiya in the tantra language. This is the state of pure vigyan. Means that who is the seer is actually the creator too. This creation takes birth from the spandan in the seer or witness..........Om!...Shaktanand.         

Siddhas Sidhh Bhoomi (Adepts and their realms): Renderings from 'Gyan Ganj', written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj ji and translated into Hindi by Vishwanath Mukherji.

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